Adding an agent is a 2 step process, 1-Adding the agent and 1-Mapping the agent.
Select "Agents" from the upper navigation menu.
Select the universal add symbol (+ sign)
Select the office the agent will be with. Select "Agent" for the role.
Click the red "Add A New User" link.
Enter the Agent's email address and select "Next Step".
The system will then check too see if the agent is already in the system (it most likely wont be). Click the red "Create a New User" link. Then select next step.
Create a user name for the agent, typically we choose the first letter of their first name and last name.
Choose a default password for them, typically we make this "reeazily". Enter the password again in the confirmation line.
Select the Agent's gender.
Fill out the Agent's contact information.
Select "Save" and then "Next step".
Confirm the Agent's information and then select "Next Step".
The Current Title will be "Associate"
Enter the date the Agent joined the office, as well as their license information. If you do not have the license number, enter "Unknown".
Click "Save" and then "Next Step".
Confirm the Agent's information and select "Next Step"
Select "Complete Process"
Select "Close Wizard"
The next step will be to map the Agent. On the left-side panel, under the "Quickbooks" menu, select "Mapping". Any item needing to be mapped will be yellow.
Select "Map".
Select "Create this Agent in QuickBooks" from both drop down menus. Then select "Save".