Monthly Reporting

Start by selecting “Offices” from the upper navigation window. Find the office you would like to process the reporting for and highlight it. If you have more than one office, you will need to complete the following steps for each office.

On the left-side panel, under the “Org/Franchise” menu, select “Finalize/Report.”

Click the red “Print a Copy before Reporting” link to generate a copy of the report to preview before you report. If you notice any deals that should not be on the list, please let us know so we can remove them for you.

The report will show you a summary by office, a summary by agent, and a summary of the deals. (There could be more than one page, be sure to check near the top left corner of the report to view all pages, pictured below)

Towards the end of the report there will be a grand total line in green summarizing the total Volume, Units, Commission, referral commission, etc. that will be reported to RE/MAX. It is important to make sure these numbers match your numbers.

Once you have verified the numbers, you can return to your Broker.Ez tab and click the “Report to Region” button.

The error box in red is simply letting you know to please wait ~20 min for LLC to process the report, before you finalize the statistics in RE/MAX LLC.