For a referral off the top: Once you have your initial part of the deal set up and have your agent added, you will need to subtract the amount going to the referrer from the agent’s gross commission. For example, in the case below the agent’s commission is $15,000 (3% of the $500,000 sale price), however the agent owes a referral fee of $1000. You will want to change your agent’s commission to be less the referral fee, or $14,000. You can click the edit link in the red box below to change the agent’s gross commission.

Once you have insured the gross commission for your agent is correct, click the “Add Sides..” button.

Hover over “Add Internal Agent” and then select “Side: REF”

Select the agent receiving the referral. If they are on a team that will be receiving a portion of their referral income, you may select that team as well. 

You can then enter the referral commission amount in either a % of sales price or $ format. Click update when finished.


Now you should see the $15,000 in gross commission split into $14000 to the agent and $1000 to the referral.

You can now proceed to “Create Billing Items”.