1. Login to your QuickBooks file.
  2. In the upper right-hand corner, click the gear symbol and select “Recurring Transactions”

  1. Click the green “New” button in the upper tight-hand corner.

  1. You should see a pop-up asking you select what type of transaction you would like to setup. Choose “Bill” and then click the green “OK” button.

  1. For the template name, enter the vendor name and the office the bill will be for. If you have more than one office being allocated a portion of the bill, name the template with the vendor and then office name or location. For Example: “Aflac (North Office)”

  1. Select “Unscheduled”

  1. Search for the vendor name. If they do not exist, click the green “+ Add” option.

  1. Select the office this bill is for.

  1. Under the “Category Details” section, enter the GLs this bill will typically be coded to.

  1. Click the green “Save Template” button.
  2. If the bill has amounts that belong to another office in the QB file (Ex: Office#1 and Office#2 split an insurance bill), you can duplicate the template you just made by following these additional steps.
  3. Find the bill template you would like to duplicate for the other office.
  4. On the right-hand side, to the right of the blue “Use” link, select the black down arrow.


  1. Choose the “Duplicate” option.

  1.  Update the office name under Vendor Name [Ex: Aflac (South Office)] and “Division.” Then click the green “Save Template” button.